EVE: Experiments in Virtual Environments
EVE is a framework designed to help researchers in the setup, implementation and evaluation of experiments in virtual reality. The framework allows researchers to reduce repetitive and error-prone steps when creating their experiment. EVE is based on the Unity 3D and MiddleVR platforms and provides database support, visualization tools and scripting for R. EVE can connect and collect data from a variety of physical (e.g., eye trackers, physiological devices) and virtual sensors (e.g., position trackers placed directly into the virtual environment. A database working behind the scenes is used to organize and store the data. Researches can use the evaluation and visualizations tools to query, extract and visualize the collected data.
Over the last few years, I was lucky to work with some amazing computer scientists on this project. Jascha Grübel and Raphael Weibel are truly the Adams of this EVE!
EVE is available as an open-source project on GitHub.
Download our paper on EVE.