The impact of an entertainment retrofit on the performance of a shopping centre

Zacharias, J., & Schinazi, V.R. (2003). The impact of an entertainment retrofit on the performance of a shopping centre. Journal of Shopping Centre Research, 7 (2), 67-79.

Zacharias, J., & Schinazi, V.R. (2003). The impact of an entertainment retrofit on the performance of a shopping centre. Journal of Shopping Centre Research, 7 (2), 67-79.

The article reports on the second and final stage of a study con­cerned with the impact of an entertainment retrofit on the per­[ ormance of a shopping center. The study focused on the changes in the type of visitor and the level of patronage inside the Place Alexis Nihon in downtown Montreal after the construction of the neighboring Pepsi Forum. By tracking 729 individuals, a com­prehensive picture of the spatial behavior and trip characteristics of visitors was developed that was compared with the behavior of 722 individuals before the entertainment center was opened. Mo­tivations, trip-planning and evaluations were also probed with a questionnaire applied to 283 individuals. Expectations that each center would benefit from the presence of the other were largely not fulfilled. Results indicated that only a slight synergy exists between the entertainment venues and shopping. The estimated contribution to the shopping center of visitors whose first desti­nation was the entertainment center was 5%. Except for anchor store patronage, the center experienced a decrease in visits to small stores and a tendency for visitors to remain on Doors close to the ground. One year after opening, the entertainment center operators continue to try new retailing combinations to build their own clientele.

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